Patient Information
Dear Patient,
Thank you for considering Macon GYN OB Associates!

We appreciate your selection of this office to serve your medical needs. We are very serious about your care and will make every effort to give you the quality care that you deserve. Your medical condition may require routine follow up and you will be expected to keep your scheduled appointments. You are required to notify our office if you need to change your appointment.
Due to the nature of our practice, it is sometimes necessary for us to be called out of the office with little notice, causing you to have to wait. If this situation should arise, you will be given the option to wait or reschedule.
Very often home or cell phone numbers are the only contact numbers that we have on file. If that number changes we will be unable to reach you, therefore we ask patients to advise us immediately if a phone number changes.
As we strive to provide quality care of all of our patients, we appreciate your consideration in keeping your scheduled appointments and we will make every effort to avoid delays.
You are also advised that you will be dismissed from care if you miss three scheduled appointments and do not contact our office. We will also notify your insurance carrier including Medicaid of your excessive missed appointments and it could affect your continued coverage.